Sunday, September 28, 2008


why do weekends end and start the way they do?

It was an odd question but I thought you would understand.

Something to be said about all the traces, then?

Who gives a fuck about an oxford comma? The trace then is what? What is there and what is not there, the word always haunting the word that is present, exerting its influence, though it is not really present...bourne evokes born, but it isn't born, though born is still there, we say it without saying it, it is said, but not brought into presence, thus the to be but not yet come is more powerful, or at least allows for the temporal space for it to be.

Noise complaints, fights, obnoxious kids, lots of cigarette smoke, random people who look like they came off of a street or wrestling match stumble in, the odd homo eroticism that guys tend to display in the presence of women to impress them?, the neighbours to whom you speak only on weekends and don't remember you during the week, and the funniest part of it all...the clean-up and the pot of coffee at 830 the next morning.


? said...

My dear MD,
I can assure you that the end of the weekend is coming soon. My neighbours keep a pair of eyes on the property when one is away. But who needs a helpful set of hands when you’re trying to complete a challenging task!
Thanks for stopping.
Red Eyes

? said...

Hi MD, I started Fosters Infinite Jest but Ill return to this. Seems he took up from where Barth and others (Pynchon etc) started. Anyone who wishes to learn the trick on how to sustain a sentence for however long and still be comprehensible grammatically should look in that direction…

On the little else, I would also agree! The Lancanian influence in Radioheads pattern is that of surrealism.

I first read Notes from the Underground on a flight from Paris and it shook me up but I intend to read it over and over again. Thanks for getting Le Petite Prince on my list.

I agree, even if our friend SR tried, he cannot be humble. Meeting him was hypnotic! It was at an Oxford lecture where he talked about anything and everything under the sun. He talked with extraordinary glibness and grand wit almost suggestive of my anonymous friend 2:45pm.

Polly said...

Hi MD, thanks for stopping at my blog and thanks for drawing my attention to yours. The air is very philosophical and literary here, I like it. I will take time and read through it with a cup of coffee... and then comment some more.

Caitlin said...

Exactly my sentiment - about the rain that is...
AH weekends. Those things that seem more like alternate realities than anything else - well mine do at least. It's like everyone suddenly loses who they are during the week and becomes something new.

? said...

Hello again,
my new blog - is finally on ...
See you there, hopefully