Saturday, January 24, 2009


I just realised that the photo in the post below was to large and you couldn't see what I was talking about. But whatever, it doesn't really matter to much.

So life is laughing. Take that quote as you please. I just watched Amelie. It seems she has a cult following, but I have begun to see why. Imagine a world where everyone paid attention to the it, the world. For example, I went to a walmart (yuck) I hate them, but while in it I saw the most wonderous things. I saw the grandfather with his grandson walking to the pharmacy in their sunday best, obviously just coming from church. I saw an old couple holding hands while walking down the various aisles. I saw the young child's face cringe when her mother lit a cigarette.

Life is filled with wonders that just seize you. They grap your heart and your head and pull you in while pushing you out. If that makes any sense. For example, on la blogotheque takeaway shows for EagleSeagull when the blonde girl rolls her eyes up and looks to her left. Or perhaps in the recording of "I left my Heart in San Franscisco" when the music falls as Dean Martin sings "High on a hill, it calls to me." The moments that encapsulate and define a moment. A look, a glance, a touch. Even just the realisation of something. A soft crinkle around the eyes, little freckles you never noticed, a new pair of socks.

Just breathe it in.

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