Why can't a man stand alone?
Must he be burdened by all that he's taught to consider his own?
His skin and his station, his kin and his crown, his flag and his nation
They just weigh him down
You know pride is a sin that we tend to forgive
But it gets hard to live
When you don't have the love in her heart to begin with
Why can't a man stand alone?
So, what does that mean? Why the question( among many?) raised is if man, human kind can stand alone. Each person in-itself or/and for-itself. You might recognize those terms. They are phenomenological in nature. I do not recall, but they might be put forth by Husserl...or maybe Merleu-Ponty. Regardless of this small fact, can these terms really exist? I would argue no, the terms these two require are false. We can never exist purely for ourself, by ourself, in need of only ourself. I tried for a long time, to say oh I don't care what they say, I'll do what I want. I don't need them, etc, etc. Teenage angst encapsulated. However, upon examining these little rants, you can easily see that:
1) the Traumatic event that occurred to cause these feelings were not in-itself or for-itself. The conditions necessary for these comments to be made were with me interacting with others. With me amongst the others can I only experience this. We cannot exist only for ourselves, we need this interact, this interaction gives us being. Our being with is our co-dependence. "Co-" think about that for a moment, both the "co" the latin for "with" the dash, the phallus in the space, the void too speaks, they touch, it is both the difference and the touching of "co" and "dependence."
2) This entire blogging project requires us, or beckons us to communicate amongst and with others. If we wished to be a solipsism, we would not write on a public forum. We may not even write, or even speak for that manner. There would be no reason to do so really. It would also be impossible. If we were to live of solely ourself, what language would we speak? We always speak the language of the other. We are always other to ourselves, and thus the same in our radical alterity to others and ourselves. Think about this, "poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings from emotions recollected in tranquility," sayeth Wordsworth. How does that exist without experiencing and becoming, being other?
In the end everything is contiguous, not continuous. Difference, differance still exists. To deny it would be ludacris. Now I am tired, thus I depart.
Why can't a baby sleep at night and dream of the time to come
And never fear the world outside the touch of someone very near
Why can't a man stand up?
Why can't a man stand up?
Why can't a man stand alone?
You love good lyrics. Makes two. Love you
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