Saturday, October 25, 2008

How People View The World

Traditional woman with a submissive nature - 22

This is super dumb, but I'm giving it a try; because, hey, I may actually get lucky and find exactly what I want! Who knows? 
I'm a 22 yr. old finishing up undergrad in Dec. I am very old-fashioned and have traditional views on life, relationships, etc. I don't believe in the women's lib nonsense. My belief is that men and women have certain roles--men are rulers, protectors and providers; women are to be caretakers and submit to their spouse. Period. A lot of men and women have deviated from this, and it's sad. It's also the reason why the divorce rate has skyrocketed and the American family system failing; so maybe I'll find what I'm looking for on here. 
I appreciate MEN! Dominate manly men--one who understands their place and a woman's place.
Found that personal add.  It really makes me laugh.  How far have we come!(?)  Fifth wave feminism is so sad.  It is funny how the traditional master-slave dialectic still keeps cropping up.  I think Nietzsche allowed for the possibility of a female ubermansch.  But who am I to know?  The irony is that this is the same kind of desire for submission that allowed for the apple to be plucked from eden.  The fruit was for sex.  As Lacan says, the woman is complete in herself, she is full and can experience jouissance without a man.  As Iraguray writes, this sex which is not one, she is two, but complete in her emptiness.  Man must surrender the phallus to experience the same jouisannce of woman in herself, but she experiences a 1+ with the man.  Think about it.  

Here he have a personal add that is so focused on the phallus that any relationship she may have will never be of herself.  She is denying herself of what she already has.  Also the denial of the phallus is denied thus denying the man jouissance as well.  Ironic, no?  This is what happens when people don't view themselves as complete.  When we begin to privilege one half of the binary over the other.  We get these highly structural relationship ships with marginalization and "slaves" to continue with Hegel/Nietzsche dialectic.

So a woman's place then is that of the man, but in this person's model it is something less.  Why would you do that?  You can read about some pyschosis, maybe the traditional hetero male ownership paradigm is still too strong, but here you can see how the desries of these men have becvome the desires of the woman, how they have been constituted by them.

Oh well.


How to live in a glass house said...

i just laughed out loud. awesome. keep track of that listing.

? said...

I had no idea you had updated. This is interesting. Is this further scientific proof that we all see the world similarly through our thoughts though we're physically wired differently?

MD said...

No. Definitely not. We may have genetic predispositions, a woman's capacity for language may be different, men more confrontation, women more likely to forget painful events (like child birth) etc etc. But I am speaking of something quite different.

The subconscious is constructed like a language. With this is mind, language gives us acess to the ubitqous other, who constitutes our desires to the point where the other's desires are our own.

Here it seems that this woman has fallen pray to the hetereonormative male ownership paradigm. She is thus denying her own individuality, stamping out her difference, her differance. She wishes to loos that, maybe on her own part, maybe because her other has lead her to believe it necessary. I do not know.

I do find it sad that gender equality is being stamped out like people like this. Why can't a man stand alone sings Elvis Costello, well he can. It is a choice. Much like Eve choosing Adam, to stay with him, he he staying with her, they choose each other. Two beings complete within themselves choose something additional, a supplement, implying her that they are complete, but together have something additional, something over, not 1, but 1+.

It isn't about science, but rather about how language constitutes and reflects our world.

? said...

Thank you. Amazing creatures we humans

How to live in a glass house said...

should we not all read foucault and butler in order to prevent ourselves from being monolithic masochistic mongoloids....

MD said...

haha, yes they and lacan, perhaps even zizek...