Monday, April 28, 2008


I tend to have dreams of me discussing/ working out theories and ideas with people. These dreams have included:

Paul Dirac---worked out his delta function completely on my own

Jacques Lacan--talked about freudian theory/ the autre etc...oddly enough I often view things in a strongly Lacanian light...

The Foer Brothers--all of How Soccer Explains the World by Franklin, and after the dream I read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and then Everything is Illuminated...and some articles by Josh...odd

Alain Badiou--I was reading his book, Being and Event...and well I dreamed about meeting him and we discussed his set theory...the matheme vs poem etc...very interesting.

Oh and then i had a dream that I bought a book by Paul Celan and some other unnamed poet from a mafioso sumo wrestler-esque book shoppe owner....

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